Fildena 120mg tablet Best Medicine for ED

Men use a dose of fildena 120. If you have male impotence as well, fildena is utilized to cure it. So hurry and get Fildena. This medication will give you a sustained boost, and if it will give you a powerful boost, you should visit our website right away to purchase Fildena.

An Overview of Fildena 120

Fildena 120mg also addresses various issues related to male sexual function. One of the drug's salt forms is sildenafil citrate. It is typically used to improve sexual activity and help a guy keep his erection by increasing blood flow to the penis. Only men between the ages of 18 and 65 take Fildena. This medication aids men in achieving longer, stronger erections during sexual activity.

A component of Fildena 120 called sildenafil aids in boosting blood flow to the male penile tissues. The component sildenafil aids in the male penis's muscular relaxation. During sexual activity, this medication helps men achieve longer, harder, and stronger erections. After taking this medication, men can experience lengthier erections with their partners.

As directed by a doctor, Fildena is taken either 30 minutes or 1 hour prior to sexual activity. This medication can be taken as usual with water; however, avoid breaking or chewing the tablet. Take this medication within 24 hours as its effects continue for 4 to 6 hours. Fildena can be taken with or without food. Avoid consuming cold beverages or greasy foods while taking Fildena as this will decrease its effectiveness.

Dosages Of Fildena

  • Fildena 100
  • Fildena 150
  • Fildena Super Active
  • Fildena 50
  • Fildena 25
  • Fildena 120
  • Fildena XXX
  • Fildena Double 200
  • Fildena Professional
  • Super Fildena
  • Fildena CT 100
  • Fildena CT 50


Side Effects Of Fildena

The side effects treated with Sildenafil are headache, flushing, dyspepsia, nasal congestion, urinary tract infection, abnormal vision, diarrhea, dizziness, and rash.



Hypotension may result from using organic nitrates and sildenafil concurrently for angina. The medication Cimetidine, which is used to treat stomach ulcers, certain antibiotics like Rifampicin and Erythromycin, and some protease inhibitors used to treat HIV infection, such as Ritonavir and Saquinavir, can raise the plasma concentration of sildenafil.

Sildenafil clearance may be lowered by certain drugs, including ketoconazole and Iitraconazole, which are used to treat fungal infections.


Where Can I Purchase Fildena Online?

Impotence and erectile dysfunction are successfully treated with medications sold by Medypharmacy. Customers can get speedy medication delivery and substantial savings from this pharmacy. If you suffer from this type of illness and are looking for a fast cure, you can purchase medications on our website,

shirley mason

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