How to Create Online Classified Ads App With Gumtree Script

Elevate your classified ads app! Learn to craft a top-notch platform with Gumtree script, empowering users and boosting engagement.

Classified ads websites like Gumtree and Craigslist have become hugely popular places for individuals and businesses to sell used goods, find local services, and post various announcements. By creating your own classifieds website or app, you can tap into this large market and build a community within a specific location or interest area.

In this blog, we will go through the step-by-step process of developing a full-fledged online classifieds platform using the open source Gumtree script. Some of the key sections we will cover include choosing a domain name and hosting, installing and configuring the core Gumtree files and database, customizing the look and functionality, creating user profiles and listings, adding site navigation and search features, and tips for marketing and monetization.

By following this guide, you'll be able to launch a feature-rich classified ads website or app that allows users to post free or paid listings across multiple categories. You'll also gain the flexibility to modify the source code as per your specific business needs and branding. Let's get started!

Choosing a Domain and Hosting

The first step is to secure a relevant domain name for your classifieds site. Choose a .com domain that describes your target location, niche or category in a concise yet memorable way. For example, if focusing on a small town, would be a good option.

Once you have the domain name locked, you'll need a web hosting account to deploy the Gumtree files and database. I recommend going with a Linux shared hosting plan from a reputed provider like Bluehost, HostGator or SiteGround. These offer robust hosting solutions at affordable monthly rates and include cPanel for easy file and database management. Purchase a hosting package with at least 1GB RAM and 50GB storage for smooth performance.

Installing Gumtree Script

Head to the Gumtree GitHub repository and download the latest source code as a ZIP file. Unpack the contents and, using an FTP client like FileZilla, upload everything except the install folder to your server's public HTML directory.

Next, rename the config.php.default file to just config.php and open it for editing. Update the database credentials with the login details of the empty database you'll create in the next step. Save the file.

Now go to your cPanel and click on "MySQL Databases" to add a new database for the site. Give it a name, for e.g. classifieds_db, and add a user with full permissions to it. Make a note of the username and password.

With the database ready, it's time to populate it with tables and sample data. Go to the install folder on your local machine and upload just the schema.sql file to the server, but not the entire folder contents. On your server, run this SQL file to create the necessary database tables. You can now login to the backend and start using the base Gumtree features! Checkout:

Configuring Database Settings

Open up the config.php file again for some additional configuration. The main settings to double check or update are:

  • db_name - Name of the database
  • db_user - MySQL username
  • db_pass - Password

You'll also need to change the base_url parameter to the domain name without trailing slashes. For e.g:

$config['base_url'] = ''; 

Similarly, update the uri_protocol to match your site. Save and close the file. Now your site is properly connected to the database.

Customizing Look and Feel

Out of the box, Gumtree has a basic classifieds-oriented theme that works fine but lacks personality. You can significantly improve the design by modifying some key files:

  • Header/footer - Edit templates/header.php and templates/footer.php to add your site's name, logo and footer links.

  • Stylesheet - Customize assets/css/style.css to tweak colors, fonts, spacing as per your brand.

  • JavaScript - Update assets/js/script.js for any additional frontend functionality.

  • Images - Replace assets/img placeholder images with your own.

  • Language - Translate website content in languages/en.php

With some basic HTML/CSS skills, you can create a clean, appealing design that helps your classifieds site stand out. Don't forget to optimize images for fast loading.

Admin Section Overview

The admin panel at /admin allows managing core site settings and content. Let's review some of its key interfaces:

  • Dashboard - Quick stats on listings, users, categories

  • Categories - Add/edit hierarchy and order of categories

  • Listings - View, approve, organize active/expired ads

  • Users - Browse, edit profiles of registered members

  • Comments - Moderate public reviews on listings

  • Reports - Check flagged content and suspicious activity

  • Settings - Configure site name, contact info, features

Spend time customizing admin panel colors and layout for an intuitive workflow. You can also restrict backend access with administrator accounts.

Creating Listing Categories

Categories help users browse ads in an organized manner. On the Categories admin page, click "Add New" to insert taxonomy terms like:

  • Cars
  • Home Garden
  • Services
  • Jobs
  • Electronics
  • Clothing
  • Real Estate

You can structure categories hierarchically with parent-child relationships. For example, make "Cars" a top-level category containing "Sedans", "SUVs" under it.

Order categories by dragging and ensure active status is selected. Provide icon images next to top categories to highlight on homepage listings widget. This taxonomy framework will aid in both front-end navigation and back-end organization of listings.

Posting Classified Ads

Time to allow users to list items for sale, services offered, jobs posted etc. Registered members can click "Submit Listing" at the top right and fill out a multipage form covering:

  • Title, Description
  • Category
  • Location
  • Contact Details
  • Price, Condition, Pictures
  • Features like delivery options

Administrators can enable/disable fields and set requirements like image uploads. A review process lets you screen content before publishing live.

Listing packages extending number of days help monetize - offer Basic (7 days) and Featured (30 days) options. Enable users to upgrade their ads. Payment can be integrated with PayPal later.

User Profiles and Personalization

Provide public profiles detailing a member's name, location, joined date, feedback rating along with contact button. Their "Dashboard" shows bookmarked listings, watch list and posted/saved ads.

Allow customization through "Account" section permitting changes to:

  • Profile Picture
  • Details like interests, about me
  • Contact preferences
  • Notifications settings
  • Password/email updates

Additional profile fields capture skills, employment history or relevant details depending on your niche. This builds trust as members transact via the platform.

Advanced users may access "Account Type" upgrade allowing vendor-style privileges through a one-time or subscription payment.

Site Navigation and Search

The header navigation bar should be streamlined for discoverability across devices. Include main links like:

  • Home
  • Categories
  • Search
  • Login
  • Submit Listing

Indexing all listings content helps surface relevant results. The search page provides filters for:

  • Keywords
  • Location
  • Category
  • Price Range
  • Ad Features

Save complex queries and enable notification on matches. A responsive dropdown allows filtering categories on small screens. These tools optimize the browsing experience.

Mobile Responsiveness

Over half of Gumtree's users access via smartphones, so make sure your site is optimized for mobile. Test width breakpoints and add CSS media queries for:

  • Collapsing navigation
  • Responsive images
  • Simplified listing cards
  • Enlarged tap areas
  • Remove unnecessary elements

For native app-like functionality, look into frameworks like Ionic or React Native along with the Gumtree REST API. Monetize the app through in-app purchases or in-app ads.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) grant installability on homescreens and work offline - bundle your mobile-optimized site as a PWA for full cross-platform compatibility.

Marketing and Monetization

To grow an active user base, market your classifieds site through:

  • Local Facebook groups and forums
  • Google Ads targeting relevant keywords
  • Offline flyers, posters around town
  • Partnerships with local businesses

Submit your site to search engines through XML sitemap and optimized on-page content.


In conclusion, by following this step-by-step guide you can build a fully-functional online classifieds platform catering to a local community or niche market. With ongoing improvements to design, features and monetization strategies, your Gumtree-powered classifieds site has strong potential to become a leading destination for all your users' buying, selling and job posting needs.

Adam Chris

1 Blog posts
